0.9 mlnTelevision viewers
- De Telegraaf: the column ‘Urban ageing’ with recommendation for Silver Starters.
- NRC Handelsblad: the article ‘Retired? Time for your own start-up’
- In Algemeen Dagblad (+ republication in several local newspapers): the article ‘To start a business when you’re 80 or 14? Elderly entrepreneurs show it is possible’.
- Nouveau: the article ‘Life experience is excellent if you want to start’.
- Broadcasting company MAX: in their magazine (circulation 180.000) the article ‘Feeling safe ….. due to an app’.
- NPO1 BNNVARA talk show Pauw (968.000 viewers) with project leader Jolanda Lindenberg and participant Han van Doorn (82).
- Business News Radio: interview with Han van Doorn.
- RTL news: article and movie ‘Han (82) develops app that keeps an eye’.
- Broadcasting company MAX: the article ‘Leyden Academy starts free learning trajectory for 50+ who dream about their own company’.
- Website EIT Health: the article ‘Rethinking the role of older people: Successful entrepreneurs are ageless’ and interview with Jolanda Lindenberg.
- World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2020: Referral of Silver Starters as best practice in panel discussion ‘ICTs and Older Persons: Value of the Older Workforce: The Emergence of Senior Entrepreneurship and the Multi-Generational Workplace’.
- Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey 2020: with Silver Starters as case study ‘It’s never too late to start a business’.
- EU-funded AAL Program ‘Ageing Well in the Digital World’: Silver Starters one of the five finalists in the Smart Ageing Prize.
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Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow.
Be so good they can’t ignore you.
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